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- Directed by Jan Chramosta -

Starting as a collection of 7 short films made during Karlovy Vary 52nd edition, every short film has very different styles. From film director’s interviews to random dialogues between the festival’s participants and so on, it is very interesting to observe the different approaches of the camera and how wonderful is each character represented.


From mocking the established film directors while they talk about the inexplicable process of making their art, to portraying the life of the members of the worldwide film industry, with their tumultuous and always on the go lifestyle, this short collection has it all. The individual episodes are well built and played by actors who may or not be professional actors. Every story flirts with humor, having wisely and silly placed gags, giving the characters the opportunity to evolve and letting the advised viewers empathize more and more with them. Their performances are very funny and fascinating, reaching to characterize some of the stereotypical festival people, one crazier than the other, and we salute this original and remarkable idea.


Without such a fuss or having a big crew, this almost spontaneous fast thought exercises are really delightful to watch, being both amusing and dramatic, juggling with divergent situations through black and white images – mostly used for fictional stories, and colored ones – used for the mockumentary.


Also, the sound design is very profound, underlying perfectly every moment of the film, growing in intensity and evoking the feelings of each character, especially the emotions of the bartender who is feeling lonely and forgotten in this festival’s chaos.


This whole package works perfectly as an advertising and at least one or two fragments of this short collection should be on your taste. We truly appreciated this experiment of games, forms, genres and different patterns that were used in the making of this skillful short film, having a great narrative structure full of imagination.

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